Are you new to backyard livestock or thinking of getting a new pet?

Wondering how and where to get started? You have come to the right place! We will cover the major (and a few of the minor) species that are commonly kept on both large and small farms and ranches.

The Case of Tremoring 302

Author: Kayla Wells, DVM, MPH, DACVPM

It's a beautiful spring afternoon. The grass is lush and green, the cattle are contentedly grazing. Calves chase around the pasture. It was a hard winter, but spring finally has arrived. All seems right with the world. Except good ol’ 302 appears to be missing. You don’t remember seeing her when you checked the herd a minute ago. She has a new heifer calf on the ground. She likes to hide on the backside of a hill. You find her down and tremoring. What could be the cause?


Weight, Weight, Don't Go Away

Author: Christopher Lee, DVM, DACVPM

Why do we lose so much weight when we are sick? Will eating more protein help? Sometimes it helps, and sometimes, it hurts. Learn more about this fascinating topic.


Free radicals, oxidants, and creeping old men

Author: Christopher Lee, DVM, DACVPM

Why do we date? Well, simply because we do not wish to be alone. In fact, much of our daily behavior could be attributed to pursuing the company of others.


Cold Weather Prep

Author: Kayla Wells, DVM, MPH, DACVPM

Winter has arrived in many parts of the country. For many, this means months of snow and below freezing temperatures. Here are a few things you can do to prepare yourself and your animals to get through as comfortably as possible.


Cold Weather Prep

Author: Kayla Wells, DVM, MPH, DACVPM

Winter has arrived in many parts of the country. For many, this means months of snow and below freezing temperatures. Here are a few things you can do to prepare yourself and your animals to get through as comfortably as possible.


Garlic and Onion Toxicity

Author: Christopher Lee DVM, DACVPM

Are garlic and onions just a savory seasoning? A method to keep fleas off of your pet? Or a toxic plant to your pet? Learn about the truth behind garlic, onions and shallots with regard to animal safety.


Thanksgiving Food Safety

Author: Christopher Lee DVM, DACVPM

Thanksgiving is a time for family get-togethers, fun and foodborne disease. Learn about some basic food safety this holiday season. 



Author: Kayla Wells, DVM, MPH, DACVPM

The purpose of biosecurity is to prevent infectious diseases from coming into the herd or flock.  Knowing the types of disease present in the area will help to determine the types of protocols that will need to be in place for each type of operation.


Bovine Vaccinations

Author: Kayla Wells, DVM, MPH, DACVPM

Cattle herds of all sizes benefit from the protection of herd immunity. This is achieved by annual vaccination of all animals against diseases that are prevalent in the area. It is especially important for any cattle that will be comingled with other herds, such as show calves or cattle that are grazed in open range situations.


Equine Vaccinations

Author: Kayla Wells, DVM, MPH, DACVPM

Horses are very susceptible to many vaccine preventable diseases. Some of the more common ones are EEE/WEE/VEE, rabies, West Nile, and tetanus. These are considered “core” vaccinations for all horses. Vaccination for other diseases, such as influenza, EHV 1 & 4, and strangles are based on risk.