Mosquito Menace On the Move

In some parts of the country, fall has arrived.  Unfortunately, in South Texas, we never really make the transition to fall colors, pumpkin spice, or crisp sunrises.  What we settle for instead, is cooling weather and decreasing hordes of blood thirsty mosquitoes.  These aerial vampires not only cause intense irritation and itching from bites, they […]

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Another Shrimp FAD?

In our last podcast, we introduced our listeners to the basics of farmed Pacific white shrimp.  But, with any commercial livestock operation comes increased risk of disease.  The first disease we discussed was infectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis virus (IHHNV).  First reported this year, IHHNV was not the first shrimp FAD to occur in the […]

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The Other Side of an FAD

When we discuss foreign animal diseases, we usually think of mammals, with the occasional bird outbreak.  But, in the field of veterinary medicine, we treat all species.  Texas has extremely varied geographic terrain, allowing many different species to call this home. Farmed Pacific white shrimp offers a sustainable source of fresh shrimp to many areas […]

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Vacation Gifts No One Wants to Receive

Vacation season draws to a close.  School will soon start back.  Many people enjoyed a relaxing getaway, and perhaps stayed in a nice hotel.  In the recent outbreak of pneumonia in Atlanta, Georgia, we are reminded that occasionally people come home from vacation with more than a tan and some great memories. This particular type […]

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Bugs for Breakfast?

We are at the peak of summer equine activities: fairs, rodeos, trail rides, weekend ropings.  Unfortunately, many horse owners elect to stay home to protect their horses.  Vesicular stomatitis virus is sweeping across the western United States.  According to the USDA Situation Report, 209 premises have been identified across 4 states. If you live in […]

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Water Treatment Facilities

Clean water is the key to maintaining any civilization.  John Snow is credited with linking a cholera epidemic to contaminated drinking water in 1855.  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), diarrheal diseases (such as cholera) kill more children than AIDS, malaria, and measles combined, making diarrheal disease the second leading cause […]

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Threatening Our Deer: EHDV

Imagine a beautiful summer evening.  You are sitting in your chair, listening to the birds and watching deer move in.  Such a peaceful, serene, relaxing evening.  Now, imagine the same idyllic scene with no deer. North American cervids are at risk of epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus (EHDV). As an Orbivirus, family Reoviridae, it comes as […]

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Threat From the South:VSV

The US is currently battling another foreign animal disease outbreak.  Last week, vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) was identified in two horses in south Texas and one in New Mexico.  Summer breezes bring vectors up from Mexico. With low mortality, our greatest concern with VSV is its resemblance to important foreign animal diseases (FADs) like foot […]

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