
"Mathematics is the alphabet with which God has written the universe." - Galileo Galilei. By better understanding mathematics, we better understand life.

Do These Definitions Ring a Bell Curve?

Author: Christopher Lee DVM, Diplomate ACVPM

If the words September, October, November, and December have ever triggered the numbers 7, 8, 9, and 10 in your head, they do so with good reason.


P-Value, the False Idol

Author: Christopher Lee DVM, Diplomate ACVPM

Danger emerges we place faith into false idols - this includes P-Values. When reading scientific studies, we are tempted into trusting p-values as truth. HARKing dramatically rises this risk. Learn about HARKing, p-values, and even filicide in this exciting podcast!


When a Blue Dot or Line Does Not Mean a Blue Dot or Line

Author: Christopher Lee DVM, Diplomate ACVPM

Many times a point of care test and the resulting blue dot or line has the ability to condemn a pet to euthanasia. Before this happens to you, listen to this podcast or read the notes. It could be life saving. We also discuss Rome's Sacred Chickens, so definitely don't miss this! 


How a Proper Cup of Tea Changed Veterinary Medicine

Author: Christopher Lee DVM, Diplomate ACVPM

Could the simple act of offering a woman a cup of tea change history? Indeed, it could and it did! Learn about the order placing milk and tea in a cup lead to a statistical method that is used commonly in small animal veterinary medicine. 


Conjugation, Tranformation, and Transduction!  Oh my!

Author: Kayla Wells, DVM, MPH, DACVPM

Bacteria have evolved some very unique methods of transferring genes amongst themselves. One trait that is of high concern is antibiotic resistance. How is it that bacteria can so quickly develop resistance to a given antibiotic? The answer lies in conjugation, transformation, and transduction.


Preventive Fraction

Author: Christopher Lee DVM, DACVPM

Have you ever read a vaccine study and hurriedly tried to skip the heart of the matter? Perhaps there is someone there, a teacher, a colleague or a vaccine representative. You ask, “What’s the bottom line? What is the percentage protected by the vaccine?”


Positive Predicive Value

Author: Christopher Lee DVM, DACVPM

It has been fifteen minutes, fifteen long minutes. You look at the two blue lines that have been formed in your point-of-care test. One blue line would indicates that the control is working and that the result is negative. Two blue lines is a positive test. You just tested positive for Zombie disease. But how is that possible?   Learn more here.


Incidence and Prevalence

Author: Christopher Lee DVM, DACVPM

What is the prevalent incidence that I will understand biostatistics? Pretty good! Especially if you master the basics. Nothing can be more basic than incidence and prevalence. Learn more, it is fun - I promise.


Sensitivity and Specificity

Author: Christopher Lee DVM, DACVPM

When looking at diagnostic tests, it is essential to understand Sensitivity and Specificity - their similarities and differences. Learn more about these biostatistic basics.