You are what you eat.

Wholesome and nutritious foods are important to all of us. There are a few ways you can protect yourself from foodborne illnesses.

Water Treatment Facilities

Author: Kayla Wells, DVM, MPH, DACVPM

Clean water is the key to maintaining any civilization.  John Snow is credited with linking a cholera epidemic to contaminated drinking water in 1855.  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), diarrheal diseases (such as cholera) kill more children....


Garlic and Onion Toxicity

Author: Christopher Lee DVM, DACVPM

Are garlic and onions just a savory seasoning? A method to keep fleas off of your pet? Or a toxic plant to your pet? Learn about the truth behind garlic, onions and shallots with regard to animal safety.



Author: Kayla Wells DVM, MPH, DACVPM

There are many descriptive names for botulism: Shaker Foal Syndrome (horses), Limberneck (ducks), and Floppy Baby Syndrome (humans). If treatment is not started quickly, botulism can be fatal.


Thanksgiving Food Safety

Author: Christopher Lee DVM, DACVPM

Thanksgiving is a time for family get-togethers, fun and foodborne disease. Learn about some basic food safety this holiday season. 


Pasteurization of Milk

Author: Kayla Wells DVM, MPH, DACVPM

Here, we will cover the specifics of pasteruzation, and why it is a vital step in ensuring the safety of the foods you consume. 


Introduction to Raw Milk

Author: Kayla Wells DVM, MPH, DACVPM

There have been a few articles in the news recently involving cases of human illness from drinking raw (unpasteurized) milk or consuming dairy products made with unpasteurized milk.  Milk can be made safe to drink by the simple process of pasteurization.


Let's get Candid about Rancid

Author: Christopher Lee DVM, DACVPM

Have you ever tasted something that was rancid? Not fun! Chances are you have eaten something rancid and not known that rancidity was the cause.